
in clients’ own words:

My consult with djenneba was at once a breath of fresh air and a profoundly meaningful anchor. She guided me in reflecting on my own intuitive learnings, which were deepened by her wealth of astrological knowledge, social analysis, and preternatural perceptiveness. The process was incredibly collaborative, which made it feel informative without being intimidating. It was clear to me even as we talked that I wasn't just having a conversation with someone—I was learning, about myself and my chart, of course, but also about the world that shapes me. Amid all the chaos of last year, I'm so grateful for the time I had to work with djenneba on clearing a path (multiple, even) through what had felt like intractable fog. Months later, I still think about some of the insights she shared, including and especially as they manifest clearly in my life. 

— Hannah Y.

As a counseling astrologer, djenneba exemplifies professionalism, discretion, patience, and prowess. Their practice is undergirded by a Hellenistic framework and Black feminist politic that provides more than just compelling advice and insightful delineations. djenneba provides hope. I find myself coming back to them again and again and again because their counsel is a kind bright light amidst unsettling darkness. Even when the skies aren’t promising, and sometimes they aren’t, djenneba illuminates practical paths that lead you to your thriving. I highly suggest you book with them as soon as possible. Astrologers of their caliber are a rarity.

— E.Y. W.

djenneba has a true gift for the craft. While I am interested in astrology, I never knew much beyond my own sun and rising sign. djenneba patiently and astutely explains concepts that I once felt were out of reach of understanding. I now have an annual practice of booking a “year ahead” session with her, as well as ad-hoc consultation throughout the year. I don’t think it’s too big a leap to say she has saved me from blowing things far out of proportion by respecting transits & giving myself space when needed!

— Lauren W.

I had the pleasure of consulting with djenneba, and find her approach to astrology both refreshing and enlightening. Her knowledge of astrology is seriously impressive and extends far beyond surface level pop-horoscopes. djenneba has a natural ability to connect the cosmic and personal in a way that makes astrology accessible, relevant, and incredibly insightful, even (perhaps especially) if you have no prior experience or knowledge.

She takes the time to thoroughly explain the complexities of the birth chart, aligning celestial patterns with cultural trends and personal experiences to give her readings meaningful context. Her readings are informed not only by traditional astrological principles, but also by a keen understanding of human nature.

She presents astrology as a framework and a tool for self-reflection and understanding. Her readings are collaborative, and she works with you to create an insightful narrative that makes sense of the cosmos in relation to your life.

If you're interested in gaining a deeper understanding of yourself through astrology, djenneba's approach is a rewarding one. She offers a nuanced and comprehensive perspective that is truly worth experiencing!

— Alex R.

I entered my first reading with djenneba with a basic understanding of pop-astrology (enough to know that I’m a Leo) and a particularly skeptical mindset. Thankfully, neither of those factors stopped her from providing an incredibly thoughtful, informative, and uncomfortably (in the best way) revealing consultation. Instead of steamrolling me with her point of view or getting frustrated at my inexperience with the basics (what is a chart?), she took her time to explain the concepts and their applications to me with the clarity and patience of a professor who still somehow found joy teaching freshmen. djenneba gave me my first view into the history and science at the core of astrology which, in turn, gave me a new respect for it and its practitioners. Finally, I was struck by the level of care and empathy with which she conducted the consultation. Whenever there were particularly sensitive things that arose, she made every effort to tackle them at my own pace, and to offer a variety of perspectives on how the chart could be read which went a long way for me. While the extent of her skill would likely best serve seasoned astrologers, any beginner would be beyond lucky to have a reading with djenneba serve as their introduction.

— John H.

Prior to my consult with djenneba I had only a cursory understanding (and frankly more than a little skepticism) of Astrology. djenneba was able to explain my birth chart to me in an accessible way and in doing so also enabled me to understand beyond the basic ideas I held previously. djenneba’s patient guidance allowed me to relate to Astrology on a much more personal level than I had imagined. In addition to her own wonderful knowledge, djenneba also pointed me to other resources to help facilitate my learning process and to challenge some of the beliefs I held, not just in relation to astrology, but also society and humanity as a whole.

— Donal M.